Limiting Beliefs, It’s Time to Go!

At some point in the day, week, month, year, we all have limiting beliefs or thoughts that cross our minds.  This can happen consciously or unconsciously, but they do happen.  These can hold us back from reaching a goal or even our full potential because they essentially limit us.  We are telling ourselves that there […]

Feel Happier Now

As our theme this month is happiness, and we want to ensure everyone has a few tools in their pocket to be happier, we are providing you with some tips that may help.   We all want to be happy, but some days happiness is seemingly harder to find than other days. Here we list 10 […]

Habit Hacks

Building new habits can be difficult and I will be the first one to say it’s not easy if you don’t have a plan or use resources available.  However, when you get there with a new good habit, you will feel great. One thing you may read or hear is that changing a habit takes […]

Making Lemonade

You have likely heard the saying When Life Throws You Lemons, Make Lemonade before.  This is an older but important saying when it comes to dealing with the ups and downs of life. None of us are immune to changes that may come our way.  It may be a job loss, eating poorly, dealing with […]

Choosing a Theme for your Holiday Gathering

For some families there is constant competition from one year to the next to top the efforts of the host/hostess for the last season’s holiday festivities and cooking. If you are looking for a great way to do just that when it is your turn to do the holiday cooking for the family, how about […]

Stressed Does NOT Equal Desserts

You have likely heard somewhere that Stressed spelt backwards is Desserts…and it is!  However, that does not mean that if you are stressed you can eat all the desserts you want.  We need to be healthy and if we use desserts to help our stress, we will feel more stressed, won’t we?  So, what should […]

Working Long Hours?  Let’s Work on That.

Are you someone who works long hours to get the job done, but does not actually tell anyone just how much overtime or excess work you are doing? Are you burnt out? This is a common theme among business owners and executives, but just as we want our employees to reduce stress and burnout from […]

Triggers (re: Communication)

Are you feeling “triggered” by someone? There are very few people who can say they have never felt triggered by something someone has said at some point in their life.  We have all felt it.  Sometimes we know what is triggering us and other times we simply can’t put our finger on why, but we […]

Tips for the Upcoming Holidays!

For those of us in Canada, October marks the time for a big holiday for many…Thanksgiving! The holidays are a hectic and chaotic time for the vast majority of the population. We run from one place to another with more “to do” lists than we think we will ever manage to complete. One thing is […]

Beautiful Outside, Mentally Strained Inside

So many people go through their day-to-day lives pretending.  They wake up, put on the perfect clothes, wear the perfect makeup, perfect their hair, straighten their tie…They pretend to be happy, pretend to have everything in order, pretend to be in control, and pretend they can handle whatever the world throws at them.   But what […]