Written by: Tara Lehman
One of my clients recently had an idea they wanted for their future; however, all their fears were stopping them from moving forward and creating excuses for them to say that dream could not become a reality. This is very common among my clients who are business owners, leaders, or those with bucket list dreams. We let fear, self-doubt, and worry stop us from being or doing what we truly want to do.
Don’t let your fears and self-doubt stop you from achieving your dreams or vision for yourself. Put the fears aside and create your vision for the future – new business? new adventure? new career? What does it look like? Take some time to think about what you would like to be doing or being 5 to 10 years out if fear, self-doubt, money, etc. wasn’t an issue. Why put these things aside? Because in a lot of cases, they are just thoughts and not true reality…and can we really say we know what will be available for us 5-10 years down the road? No…in fact we don’t even know if tomorrow we will win a lottery so how can we know 5-10 years out? Put the fears and self-doubt aside just for a moment and picture what your dream or vision is. What is it truly that you want? After working with my client to do this, they discovered that they truly wanted to open their own business rather than be a manager for the rest of their career…they had a vision, and we are in the process of breaking down the barriers. For most people wanting to own a business the biggest fear is money. Well, when you have 5-10 years to plan for this, guess what? You have time to save, find funding, find partners, get a load, apply for that grant, among other ways.
Fear is mostly created by us, but when you put it aside, you can sometimes truly see what it is you actually want. When fear is not part of the equation, we can see a clearer picture on how to achieve our dream too – something that was very easy for my client to see now. Put fear and self-doubt aside, create a vision for that dream, see the road clearer, then determine what doors are put in front of you. Is it money? Is it education? Is it skills you need to build? Learn how to open the those doors, that are creating those fears and barriers, by developing your skills, hiring a coach or mentor, managing stress, exploring ways to fund those projects, small businesses or bucket list dreams, or any other ways you can develop to find the key and open the doors.
I have found that where there is a will and a clear vision, there is usually a way even to overcome the fears and worries we see. ???? Does everyone accomplish everything? No. I would be lying if I said yes. Some doors may not be able to be opened for many different reasons in the future, but we won’t know that until the future is here. Don’t let those doubts cloud your vision as they may never come to fruition, or you found the key you needed to overcome that. Give yourself a chance to ask yourself, what do I really want, if fear and self-doubt were out of the equation? Then create your path forward and start to work on taking the first step to get you there.
Need help? Contact us today at info@twinlifecoaching.ca.
Main site: www.twinlifecoaching.ca
Amplifying Leadership site: www.amplifyingleadership.ca
(Image from Microsoft Stock Images)